Credit report

It is a professional assessment of the company's performance, revealing company's potential and risks, showing it's past experiences and revealing future prospects.

Official data from reliable sources
Data is collected and updated daily from only official and reliable data sources. Service is provided 24/7.
Standardized insights and forecasts
The report includes not only official and reliable data from official sources, but also standartized insights and forecasts: credit limit, credit score, financial ratios.
Credit history
Debts to the state and business entities, information about the company's participation in legal disputes, etc. Updated daily.
Professional approach
Credit reports are provided by our partner Professional Partner OÜ - professionals in credit risk assessment. More more about Professional Partner at

How is it useful?

Saves you time
Don’t waste time collecting data from multiple sources. We gather the latest information every day from all official and reliable sources and deliver it in a form that is convenient for you.
Identifies customer growth
Leverage your customers' growth to increase your own sales potential. Your customers's success can help to grow your business too.
Reduces losses
Assessing new and existing business partners in terms of their financial discipline and credit history helps not only to reduce risk but also to maintain a healthy balance in your business.
Gives you control
Knowing your business partners' financial capabilities lets you to plan your activities and business development more effectively.
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Credit reports are provided by our partner Professional Partner OÜ - professionals in credit risk assessment. More more about Professional Partner at